Friday, September 2, 2011

Crack Coated Tortilla Chips

   Today has been a remarkably interesting food day. Apparently there is no end to the many ways one can prepare chicken. Do eggs count as chicken? I think they do in a sideways sort of way.  At any rate, I had eggs for breakfast, chicken (grilled, no skin) for lunch, and buffalo chicken wings (mild, with skin) for dinner. I know that is the most depressing line up of meals you may have ever heard, but you know, I did say I was going to have a better attitude about my meals.  So I ate the chicken with a smile on my face!  

  The wings were consumed at a local Mexican restaurant that we regularly grace with our presence. The problem with these sorts of establishments is that they plop down that bowl of FREE chips just as you begin to peruse the menu.  Let's just park here for a moment, and discuss these chips.  They are not normal chips. They are some sort of crack coated chip from the planet Melmac! Wait, I think Melmac is where Alf ate cats. If this makes no sense to you, you may need to Google “Alf”.  As I was saying, once you start eating them, you cannot stop!  I don’t do this with any other chip, or any other snack for that  matter! I just know there is some sort of secret ingredient that they put in them or sprinkle on them.  There simply is no other explanation!!!  And don’t try to trick me with the false advertising you see on other tortilla chips at the grocery store. You know the ones I’m talking about, they say “Restaurant Style”.  LIES, LIES, LIES!!!! There is no way this is true. If it were, I wouldn’t even make it to the check out line without eating the whole bag! There should be a law that punishes companies to the fullest extent of the law when they brazenly lie about something so important!   Ok, it’s time for me to count to 10 and take a deep breath, or I may blow out an artery in my brain. 

  Tomorrow we are having a family reunion in Monteagle, Tennessee.  This will be a test of super human strength for me.  Tables lined with the home made fare of 80 years of recipes passed down from one daughter to the next. YUMMY!!!! May God have mercy on my soul.  I will let you know how it goes.


  1. You are soooo right on those chips Allison! I definitely cannot eat just one and am completely full of them by the time my "real" food gets to the table, but I just keep eating!! It's crazy!!
